705.957.7144 therapy@andrewjobes.ca

Back pain, especially in the lower back, is common for desk workers. This movement strengthens and stretches the muscles along the spine that help with posture and add movement to the discs between vertebrae, which dry out and lose their flexibility as we age, especially if we are sedentary.

  • Sit upright towards the front of your chair with your feet on the floor and your hands on your knees.
  • As you inhale, slowly bring your chest and belly forward and pull your shoulders back. Expand your front body!
  • As you exhale, slowly arch your back and squeeze your navel towards the spine. The rhythmic pumping of your navel in and out as you move offers a gentle massage to your internal organs.
  • Repeat slowly for several cycles. Your back will thank you in no time 🙂

Camel Ride 2   Camel Ride 1

Other Articles in this issue:

Change Happens One Step at a Time (Article)
Your Body on Yoga: The Abdominals
Health Tip: Sleep
Philosophy Byte: Ahimsa
Eat Well: Green Smoothie
Balance At Work News & Events