705.957.7144 therapy@andrewjobes.ca

I love to start my day with a green smoothie 🙂 They’re fast, easy, and healthy. Here’s my morning go-to…

Throw the following into a blender (makes 2 large glasses)

  • 2 cups water or almond milk*
  • 1 scoop vegetable protein powder (I use Vega French Vanilla)
  • sprinkle of spirulina
  • sprinkle of wheatgrass powder
  • 1 Tbs flax oil
  • large handful (baby) spinach
  • large handful roughly torn fresh or frozen kale (frozen blends better)
  • 1 stalk organic celery, chopped
  • 1 organic banana or avocado
  • 1 ½ cups frozen wild blueberries

Blend on high for 1-2 minutes, pour, and enjoy 🙂

* I use Silk brand almond milk, because it doesn’t contain carrageenan, which has been linked to several gastro-intestinal health issues, and because the seaweed farming that takes place to produce it negatively affects the environment.

Other Articles in this issue:

Change Happens One Step at a Time (Article)
Your Body on Yoga: The Abdominals
Take 5 – Make Time for this Quick Stretch: Camel Ride
Health Tip: Sleep
Philosophy Byte: Ahimsa
Balance At Work News & Events