705.230.5585 therapy@andrewjobes.ca
Your Body on Yoga: The Spine

Your Body on Yoga: The Spine

The spine is designed to support the weight of the body. If you slouch when sitting for prolonged periods or lean your head forward to look at a computer screen, mobile device, or while driving, you stress the muscles along the spine and affect its natural curvature....
The Perfect Complement (Article)

The Perfect Complement (Article)

Summer means outdoor activity… paddling, cycling, running, ultimate Frisbee, gardening. If you’re at all like me, you’re more active and more relaxed during the summer months. But, as is true of any activity, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing with even...
Your Body on Yoga: The Abdominals

Your Body on Yoga: The Abdominals

Your abdominals are largely inactive while you’re working at your desk, and they can weaken significantly over time. A strong core protects your internal organs and is important to maintaining good posture. The following two exercises are very effective at...
Philosophy Byte: Ahimsa

Philosophy Byte: Ahimsa

The physical practice of yoga is only one aspect of the richness that yoga has to offer. Yogic philosophy provides us with 5 guidelines on how to interact with the outer world (called Yamas) and 5 on how to interact with our inner selves (Niyamas). One of the five...